Archetype Supreme (The Comb)
Archetype Supreme (The Comb)
24 x 12 x 1.75 in. Found object and acrylic on wood panel
The traditional African comb or pick has played a crucial role in the creation, maintenance, and decoration of hair-styles for both men and women. In many African societies, ancient and modern, the
hair comb symbolizes status, group affiliation, and religious beliefs, and is encoded with ritual properties. Associated with Hair and Head, the comb can be a symbol of ideas as you ‘comb’ through your thoughts to see a situation from another perspective.
Combs similar in shape are still used across Africa. In Ghana, the dua’afe (wooden comb) is used and linked to femininity and beauty. In other West African countries including Nigeria, Benin, Togo and Ivory, traditional Yoruba combs - long-toothed and necked - are given as parting gifts, friendship gifts and as good luck charms. Even though fewer afro combs are being produced, it is still a hairstyling tool used amongst people of color.